Novex is Bullfrog Powered - Novex


Novex is Bullfrog Powered

As of April 1st, Novex is one of the first companies in BC to be Bullfrog Powered.

Bullfrog Power is Canada’s leading provider of 100 per cent green electricity. Founded in 2005, Bullfrog Power is the only company providing everyone in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia with the choice to support 100 per cent low-impact renewable electricity. Bullfrog Power supplies Bull Frogpowered customers exclusively from wind and hydro facilities that have been certified by Environment Canada under its EcoLogoM program, instead of carbon-intensive sources like coal and oil or from higher impact hydro facilities. Bullfrog Power customers are providing the demand to enable new generation facilities to be built in Canada. Thousands of Canadian homeowners and hundreds of businesses have made the decision to become Bullfrog Powered.

This fall, Bullfrog Power will begin sourcing from Bear Mountain Wind Farm, which will be B.C.’s first fully operational wind farm. Currently, 20% of Bullfrog Power’s power mix comes from wind generation facilities located in Pincher Creek, Alberta, and the remainder comes from low-impact hydro in B.C. Bullfrog Power’s goal is to continue to advance the development of new wind power in B.C., just as it has in Alberta and Ontario.

Supporting emission-free renewable power is a great way to reduce your organization’s carbon footprint and help combat climate change and air pollution. To learn more and to become Bullfrog Powered, go to

Our Partners:
Certified B Corp
Carbon Neutral
Loco Member
Kids Up Front
United Way Lower Mainland
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